To the indigenous community of Santa María Ostula,
Compas, we have read your communiqué published by the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) regarding the announcement by the government of Michoacán to disarm your communal guard.
“Ostula, the struggle for security is permanent.”
This announcement by Governor Alfredo Ramirez Bedolla is ridiculous, since he himself has not been able to maintain security in the state of Michoacan. Something that you as community have achieved in your territory through your communal guard. The same communal guard that received, supported and protected us the days we were able to visit you at the beginning of this year 2022.
This guard, together with the community, not only took care of us but also invited us to their homes, to their parties, to their spaces. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for the treatment they gave us and we hope that someday we will be able to return the gesture when they visit us in our geography.
From the government of Michoacán, as well as from the federal government; by the way, both from the MORENA party and from the supposed fourth transformation; we do not expect much, because we know that this is Mexico. Rulers who betray the people to become servants of those who have the most, of those who give the orders, of those who pay and therefore command, that is to say, they are servants of capital. But we also know that there is another Mexico, one where the people organize from below and fight for a better world, that is, for life.
The sides are clear: Ostula and its communal guard fight for life, on the side of the people, while Governor Alfredo Ramirez Bedolla sells out and is on the side of capital.
Your pain is also our pain, from you we learn that organizing with the people is the way to build a path for a better world. One where children can grow up without fear and without bullets.
That is why from Bonn, Germany, we thank you for receiving us, for showing us that another world is possible, we embrace you from afar and we stand in full support of the indigenous community of Santa María Ostula.
08/22/2022. (Originally published in Spanish in Anticarcelaria.)
Fifty years, half a century, is the sentence that has been imposed again on our compañero Miguel Ángel Peralta Betanzos, originally from Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón Oaxaca, Mexico, after the revocation of the sentence of freedom that he obtained on October 14, 2019, after having been in political prison for four years, five months, fourteen days.
Last March 4, 2021, the Third Criminal Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of the State of Oaxaca, due to an appeal to the sentence of freedom filed by the Agent of the Public Prosecutor of the Mixed Court of First Instance of Huautla de Jiménez, imposed a second instance conviction sentence, for the two crimes that have been fabricated to Miguel since December 2014; Qualified Homicide with the aggravating circumstances of premeditation and advantage, and Attempted Homicide with the aggravating circumstance of advantage for Criminal Case 02/2015.
With said resolution, it orders the Mixed Court of First Instance to issue a re-arrest warrant to deprive him of his freedom in any prison in Oaxaca that has space, for the 50-year sentence. Incongruous and indolent to call it a “Court of Justice”, when what prevails in its Chambers is impunity and the interference of other powers.
Today we ask ourselves once again: under what legal elements, having more than 24 judicial resolutions, including resolutions of that same court, in favor of the 35 persons indicated in the file, for one or another crime, is Miguel the only one to have his freedom revoked, to have the two crimes fabricated against him reaffirmed and to be sentenced to prison with a half century sentence? There is not a single consistent judicial proof within the file, but there is the political proof of an exemplary punishment in the face of community defense and self-determination.
Since the day he won his freedom in 2019, thanks to a political and legal struggle, the accusations against him by the governor of Oaxaca, Alejandro Murat, and by the then local deputy of MORENA and former president of the Permanent Commission of Administration and Justice of the LXIV Legistlatura of Oaxaca, Elisa Zepeda Lagunas, became visible. Evidencing with this that both the executive branch and the legislative branch of the state of Oaxaca, had sent a letter to the President of the Court for the “review of the case” in view of her disagreement with the freedom, that is to say, they showed once again the interference in the judicial apparatus, from their position of power.
Not enough with that meddling, on October 29, 2019, 42 deputies of MORENA and the Labor Party (partido del trabajo) of the Federal Congress, signed a “point of agreement” in which they once again violate the due process of Miguel, by validating the public version of Elisa Zepeda, for her position as a deputy, without legal grounds according to the file and shamelessly question a judicial resolution without knowledge of the Criminal Case 02/2015, since they point it out of facts that do not appear in any of the volumes.
With the new sentence against our compañero by condemning him to 50 years in prison and the use of the legislative and executive apparatus by the party that holds power in Mexico, they are reaffirming the political persecution exercised against Miguel and the indigenous people who defend their own forms of organization against a system of political parties held by the cacique groups in Oaxaca, in complicity with the state and national justice system. Together, they have already taken away four years of his freedom and now they are trying to take it away for 50 years.
Upon his departure, Miguel continued to denounce the fabrication of crimes and the unjust imprisonment of his seven fellow prisoners from Eloxochitlán, as well as those who still have arrest warrants. This has led him to continue to be criminalized for the fact of not remaining silent and denouncing the abuses of power of a cacique group that has repressed his community for more than 10 years, and that have finally broken the community fabric, disintegrated families, forced displacement, persecution with arrest warrants and imprisonment for the fabrication of crimes.
Miguel along with his compañeros continue to be imprisoned and persecuted for a social and political conflict that through judicial punishment with sentences such as the one that has been imposed again, such as 50 years in prison, without evidence, with witnesses who contradict themselves, who are inconsistent or who even deny having testified, they seek immobility and silence.
Miguel and his comrades continue to be imprisoned and persecuted for a social and political conflict that through judicial punishment with sentences such as the one that has been imposed again, such as 50 years in prison, without evidence, with witnesses who contradict themselves, who are inconsistent or who even deny having testified, they seek immobility and silence.
It is for this reason that we call on your solidarity, which has been accompanying us all these years, to speak out against the 50-year sentence and the persecution against Miguel by the party regime in power, and the possible re-arrest, as well as for the immediate release of the seven political prisoners of Eloxochitlán and the cessation of the arrest warrants for those displaced by the same conflict.
We ask you to pay attention to any attempt to arrest or harm the integrity of Miguel, his family and his lawyers. Because it is not minor to say that the accusations that have been made against him, come from a former deputy of the party in power and who is currently part of the team of the governor-elect in Oaxaca for MORENA.
Given the context of impunity and criminalization in Oaxaca and in the country in general, we hold Elisa Zepeda Lagunas, her father Manuel Zepeda Cortés and his cacique-party group responsible for the political persecution and acts of harassment and repression that have been unleashed against Miguel with this new sentence. The years of conviction reflect the viciousness with which those who fight are persecuted, but also fill us with rage and courage so that we will not give up!
Stop political persecution! Down with the prison walls! Prisoners to the street! #LibresYa! Support group in solidarity with Miguel Peralta Betanzos.
Am kommenden Dienstag, den 26. Juli steht ein Genosse aus Bonn in Düsseldorf vor Gericht. Im Zuge der Versammlungsgesetzdemo am 26. Juni 2021 in Düsseldorf wird ihm u.a tätlicher Angriff auf Vollstreckungsbeamte sowie gefährliche Körperverletzung vorgeworfen. Während der Demonstration wurde der Genosse so stark mit Pfefferspray verletzt, dass er kurzzeitig sein Bewusstsein verlor. Kurz nachdem die Versammlung durch den Versammlungsleiter beendet wurde und auch schon Presse nicht mehr vor Ort war, hat die Polizei einen weiteren Angriff gegen unseren Genossen gestartet – dabei haben sie ihn gewaltsam wegzerrt und ihn durchsucht sowie seine Personalien kontrolliert. Erschwerend kommt bei Ihm hinzu das eine Verurteilung aufenthaltsrechtliche Konsequenzen haben könnte. Wir akzeptieren weder den polizeilichen noch den juristischen Angriff auf unseren Genossen und rufen daher auf, den Prozess am Dienstag solidarisch zu begleiten! Kommt zur Hauptverhandlung im Amtsgericht Düsseldorf!
am Dienstag, den 26 Juli 2022 um 14:15 Uhr
Etage 1. Sitzungssaal 1.104 Werdener Straße 1 40227 Düsseldorf
Treffpunkt für gemeinsame Anreise aus Bonn: Dienstag, 26.07., 11:50 Uhr, Gleis 1, Bonn Hbf
Unsere Compas vom ACS Copy Shop brauchen unsere Solidarität.
Seit 2021 existiert in Bonn der kollektiv betriebene “ACS Copy shop”.
Der Plan ist aufgegangen: aus einer träumerischen Idee ist ein laufender Laden geworden, welcher die Stammkundschaft des alten Betreibers übernehmen konnte und darüber hinaus sowohl deutschlandweit als auch international tolle Zusammenarbeit mit linken Projekten leistet.
Dennoch hat der Laden durch die herrschende Coronakrise finanzielle Einbußen gemacht und jetzt hat auch noch der für das Buisness unentbehrliche Drucker den Geist aufgegeben.
Deswegen ist der ACS nun auf unsere Hilfe angewiesen, damit diese sinnvolle Arbeit weitergehen kann.
Wenn ihr könnt, gebt gerne etwas dazu, jeder Euro hilft!
In the early morning on April 25th the Mexican police and special forces evicted the one year old occupation of the indigenous Triqui community, that is fighting for justice after suffering murder, political persecution and displacement in their territories in Tierra Blanca, San Juan and San Miguel Copala, Oaxaca.
Approximately 50 Triqui people are being held custody on a polluted parking lot at this moment after experiencing a brutal eviction at 1 am on April 25th 2022 involving humiliation of women and violation of children, one of them having an open lesion on their head. Governmental forces are trying to divide the children from their parents.
The Triqui communities live in the Mixtec region of Oaxaca where groups such as MULT (Movimiento de Unidad y Lucha Triqui) have positioned themselves as armed groups that control the territory. Triqui are demanding a safe relocation to their territories aswell as the release of all charges against the political prisoners and resolution of the murders.
As the persecution continues the release of all Triqui being held in custody is being demanded as the danger of deportation to Oaxaca or having their kids being separated from their parents would lead to repression and possible murder.
Spread the information and solidarize with the Triqui from Sierra Blanca! We demand to the government of Claudia Sheinbum and Andrés Manuel López Obrador:
Immediate cessation of the encapsulation made to our sisters and brothers in the Venustiano Carranza Delegation.
Appearance of the Triqui boy Samuel and guarantee the physical, psychological and mental integrity of all the people who were in the shelter (UPDATE: Samuel has appeared).
Punishment of those responsible for the operations carried out against the Triqui community and the Caravan for Life.
Resolution of the conflict of displacement of the Triqui community of Tierra Blanca, Copala.
To the people of the world To the National Indigenous Congress To the Indigenous Government Council To the National and International Sixth To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion
Brothers and sisters, compañeros and compañeras,
The Good Government Council “Nuevo Amanecer en Resistencia y Rebeldía por la Vida y la Humanidad”, Caracol 10 “Floreciendo la Semilla Rebelde,” informed Red de Resistencia y Rebeldía AJMAQ that, slightly over a month after the arbitrary detention of the autonomous authorities José Antonio Sánchez Juárez and Sebastián Núñez Pérez, by the paramilitary group of the Regional Organization of Coffee Growers from Ocosingo (Orcao).
That same group, last night, 13 October 2021, at approximately 20:30, once again attacked the bases of support of the EZLN of the autonomous community of Moisés and Gandhi.
At 1:25 this morning, the gunfire increased, reaching the Autonomous Middle School. At 2:20, the strongly armed group were positioned only 90 feet from the homes of the families bases of support of the EZLN, who were therefore forcefully displaced in search of a safe shelter.
The aggressions of the paramilitary group ended at approximately 3:30, according to information from the Good Government Council.
We demand respect to the land and territory of the Zapatista peoples, their autonomy and free determination.
No more criminal actions by the ORCAO paramilitary group! No more harassment against the autonomy and life built by the EZLN! Red de Resistencia y Rebeldía AJMAQ
We write this letter to you from the territory known as Europe.
First we want to ask you, how are you? Secondly, we want to thank you for fighting for life and for not giving up nor selling out. Thirdly, we want to tell you why we are writing this letter to you.
Thanks to the campaign launched recently by “Fidencio libre” we were able to approach people with your story and that helped us activate and organize to demand your freedom.
We know the state, both in Mexico and Europe, is a mere servant of the powerful and their Capital. That is why here too, we see how the police attacks and send people to jail who defend land, water and our mother Earth. In Germany, we have friends in places like the Hambach forest, Keyenberg and Lützerath where brave people like you risk their lives so we all can have a good life, a decent one with dignity. Here’s is a video of some of them (we hope you have the possibility to watch it):
Another group that we told about your campaign is Migrantifa NRW, a group of and for migrants in Rheinland that fights against racism, antisemitism and fascism. They are also fighting an important struggle to abolish Frontex, a border agency of our bad government: the European Union. They are responsible of violating human rights and separating families through deportation. Their policies are racists and server the interest of the colonial and capitalist powers. We agree with them that this inhumane group must be abolish, just as we believe in your freedom.
People from this group are also very talented and kind. When we told them your story and explained that there is a campaign to demand your freedom they were very excited to contribute and they painted this mural in solidarity.
Gabriel was born in Vigo, Spain, which is the port the Zapatistas decided to land their vanguard delegation, the 421 Squad.
We hope the arrival of the Zapatistas to continental Europe will show Mexico and the world how there’s no such thing as “good” Capitalism. We wish people here in Europe also get to know of your life and struggle. Finally, we hope enough people will wake up to demand freedom for you, Gabriel and every political prisoner who is suffering repression from an unjust system of “justice”.
From the SLUMIL K´AJXEMK´OP, the Europe that doesn’t give up, we send you a big hug and we want to let you know that you are not alone, we fight with you and we will keep telling your story until we see you free.
Fidencio Aldama is an Indigenous Yaqui and a defender of the land and water. He is currently being held as a political prisoner in Sonora, México.
We want to express our total support and solidarity with Fidencio and we invite everyone to join the campaign (supported by the CNI) to demand Fidencio’s freedom by writing a letter or sending solidarity art work.
Statement from our fellow prisoners in struggle from the organizations La Voz de Indígenas en Resistencia and La Verdadera Voz del Amate in solidarity with Pedro Lunez’s family after his murder and with the Aldama community,
To the public opinion
To the Zapatista Army of National Liberation
To the Networks of Resistance and Rebellion
To the National Indigenous Congress
To the Sixth National and International
To human rights defenders and NGOs
To the Network against Repression and for Solidarity
To independent and governmental organizations
To the mass and alternative media
To the peoples of Mexico and the world
Prisoners in struggle Adrian Gómez Jimenez, member of the organization La Voz de Indígenas en Resistencia, German Lopez Montejo and Abraham Lopez Montejo, members of the organization La Voz Verdadera del Amate, both organizations belonging to the Sixth Declaration of the Lacandon Jungle of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation EZLN detained in CERESO number 5 San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico.
The organization La Voz Verdadera del Amate and La Voz de Indígenas en Resistencia send our cordial greetings and our sincere condolences to the family of Pedro Lunez Perez who was assassinated by paramilitary groups. Through this communication we send our solidarity after what happened with the brother and the comrade who was cowardly murdered, we know clearly those of us who fight from the left below will always have obstacles, many social activists or defenders have stopped in prison or have been killed, as is the clear example of Pedro. We strongly condemn these acts, acts of violence, murder, forced displacement and above all brothers and sisters of the Aldama community.
From this CERESO number 5 we once again reiterate our words and condolences to the relatives of Pedro Lunez Perez. Also fraternal greetings to the people who have lost a brother and defender of his people, more than anything, we wish them much strength and fortitude.
Finally, we extend the invitation to human rights defenders and independent organizations, both state and international, to continue demanding true justice.
Uniting our voices and forces of the Mexican peoples, true justice will triumph.
Respectfully, Adrian Gomez Jimenez German Lopez Montejo Abraham Lopez Montejo
The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center (Frayba) received information from the Permanent Commission of the 115 Community Members and Displaced Persons of Aldama, stating that today, around 2:00 p.m., Mr. Pedro Lunez Pérez, 24 years old, lost his life. This appalling and irreversible incident occurred in the community of Coco, municipality of Aldama, while Pedro Lunez was inside his house. It is the result of constant gunfire by the paramilitary group located in the territory of Santa Martha, municipality of Chenalho, which enjoys total impunity.
Since yesterday, the gunfire from the territory of Santa Martha, municipality of Chenalho, has been directed towards the inhabitants of the municipality of Aldama, Chiapas. The Permanent Commission of the 115 community members and displaced persons of Aldama, once again reported that today, at approximately 2:00 p.m., the armed aggressions began again. The unfortunate death occurred while the National Guard and state police were near the community of Coco.
At the close of this urgent action, the armed attacks by the Santa Martha paramilitary group continued. At approximately 16:29 hours, gunshots were fired from El Puente, Santa Martha Chenalhó, in the direction of the community of Juxton, municipality of Aldama. At 17:44 hours, high caliber gunfire came from the attack points of Tijera Caridad, Puente, Kante, Panteón, and Chuchte de Santa Martha Chenalhó.
The Mayan Tsotsil population living in the communities of Coco, Tabac, Xuxchen, San Pedro Cotzilnam, Chayomte, Juxton, Tselejpotobtic, Yeton, Chivit, Sepelton, Yoctontik and the Municipal Seat of Aldama, recently benefited from the granting of Precautionary Measure no. 284-18, according to Resolution 35/2021 of April 23, 2021, of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), where it considered “that the situation meets prima facie the requirements of gravity, urgency and irreparability contained in Article 25 of the Rules of Procedure of the IACHR”, requesting that the Mexican State:
A) Adopt the necessary, and culturally relevant, security measures to protect the life and personal integrity of the beneficiary families; specifically, to guarantee security within their communities, and during their displacements, with a view to preventing threats, harassment, intimidation or acts of armed violence by third parties;
B) Agree on the measures to be adopted with the beneficiaries and their representatives; and
C) Report on the actions taken to investigate the facts that gave rise to the adoption of this precautionary measure and thus prevent its repetition.
Frayba expresses its deep concern for the unfortunate incidents that took place today, once again the Tsotsil people are in mourning. It also points out that it is very serious that the Mexican State is still not implementing the precautionary measures in order to prevent armed attacks, so we urgently demand the adoption of the precautionary measures granted by the IACHR in favor of the Mayan Tsotsil population of the municipality of Aldama; We also demand an exhaustive investigation to find those responsible for the armed attacks by paramilitary groups that act under the cover of impunity, terrorizing, torturing and displacing the population and that have resulted, in addition to the loss of human lives, as the Mexican government’s failure to intervene effectively bets on the extermination of the people.
We call on national and international solidarity to sign this urgent action and write to the Mexican authorities to disarm the violence in the territory.